Ten years ago, the award-winning BioShock franchise redefined gaming with its expansive world building, gripping narrative, and intense gameplay. To celebrate this milestone, the BioShock 10th Anniversary Collector’s Edition features an all new iconic statue featuring the Big Daddy and Little Sister.
The statue is 11.9 inches high and is modeled after the game’s box art. It features a motorized drill and light-up components (Big Daddy's helmet and Little Sister's eyes), in addition to audio clips from the game of Big Daddy and Little Sister. The statue shown above is a prototype, so the helmet and eyes are painted, not lit. The image in the window is just my mock-up and may not be axactly the same as the finished version. The finished version will also have the water at Big Daddy's feet cast in a translucent resin. For now, we will have to settle for opaque brown.